Sitting on the shores of Lake Como is the magical town of Megaggio, a picturesque town, well-renowned for its beautiful buildings. From the vibrant flowers to the glistening lake to...
The Avengers are back and in full-force! Piece together 4 colourful and action-packed images starring Ant-Man, Iron Man, Captain America and Hulk, but they can't fight evil on their own!...
This world map shows the continents of the world, and highlights some key buildings and structures, including Big Ben (UK), Eiffel Tower (France), Taj Mahal (India), Statue of Liberty (USA),...
Roam the African plains with lions, elephants, cheetah, gazelle, zebras, hippo, rhinoceros, giraffes and more in our “Animals of the Savannah” puzzleA wonderful collection of wildlife make their way towards...
Get into the festive spirit with Bluey, Bingo, Chilli, Bandit, Nana, Uncle Stripe, Aunt Trixie, Muffin and Socks as they gather round to exchange gifts on Christmas Morning. They can...
Join Bluey and her sister Bingo, as they have fun in these beautifully illustrated 4 in a box jigsaw puzzles. An Excellent Bluey Toy.Four puzzle scenes packed full of different...
Join Gabby Girl and gang for a Caterrific Celebration! This bright and colourful 35 piece puzzle featuring Gabby Girl, Pandy Paws, Pillowcat, Mercat, Kitty Fairy, Cakey cat, DJ Catnip and...
Prepare for magical adventurees as you complete these four, bright and colourful puzzles! Join Gabby, DJ Catnip, Kitty Fairy and Pandy Paws as they confide in DJ Catnip to help...
Welcome to Friendship Falls, where our "Jungle Animals" live in peace and harmony!Exotic animals have made their way to the waterfall for a drink and to relax. Elephants, hippos, gorillas,...